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Cascara Sagrada Powder, 1/4lb

Cascara Sagrada Powder, 1/4lb

Cascara sagrada is a botanical obtained from the bark of a North American shrub-like tree known as the Californian Buckthorn. The common name is Spanish for “sacred bark,” no doubt a tribute to the herb’s usefulness attributed by Spanish conquistadors that occupied the Pacific Northwest in the 1600s. The Chinook natives of the region, who called it “chittem bark,” harvested Cascara sagrada for its emodin content long before it was commercially prepared and sold by the pharmaceutical company Parke-Davis in the late 19th century.

  • Description

    Cascara sagrada bark, also known as chittem bark, comes from a tree in the buckthorn family.

    The powdered form is made from the aged and dried bark and is typically prepared as tea or mixed with water or juice.

  • Storage Tips

    Store in a sealed container in a cool, dry place.

  • Appearance & Aroma

    Cream or tan in color with little detectable odor.

  • Cosmetic Uses

    Infused in oil, cascara bark is an ingredient in natural sun screens.

  • Industrial Uses

    Used in extract form to deter nail biting, although the herb is now largely replaced by bitter orange.

  • Safety

    Not for use by children, pregnant women or if there is a history of Crohn’s disease or other gastrointestinal disorder.

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