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Chaparral Powder, 1/4lb

Chaparral Powder, 1/4lb

Chaparral is an evergreen, low-growing, woody shrub found throughout southwestern North America, with specimens more than 11,000 years old still thriving in California’s Mojave Desert. The plant’s survival success is attributed to an ability to deter the growth of neighboring plants, thereby securing all of the available water from the soil. The herb contains an antioxidant compound called nordihydroguaiaretic acid (NDGA) that was once used as a food preservative. Reports of liver and kidney toxicity, however, now limit this herb to topical use.

  • Description

    Chaparral is a successful desert shrub because its roots pulls water away from competing flora, while a water-saving resin that coats the leaves protects the plant from UV radiation.

    The plant also contain estrogenic compounds, which is why this herb is generally limited to topical use. Powdered chaparral leaf is added to creams, salves and other skin care preparations.

  • Storage Tips

    Store in a sealed container in a cool, dark cabinet.

  • Appearance & Aroma

    Light colored with an aroma that has been compared to creosote.

  • Cosmetic Uses

    Use in the tub, foot soaks and sitz baths. Powdered chaparral can also be used to make infused oils and tinctures for use in producing salves and balms (except for lip balms).

  • Culinary Uses

    Because this herb is not pleasant tasting, the powder is typically encapsulated (see safety note).

  • Safety

    Chaparral is not generally taken internally, not just because it tastes bad but also because high doses or long-term use could potentially cause liver or kidney damage. Avoid use if you have history of Hepatitis C or other liver disorder, or if you take pharmaceutical medications.

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