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Dandelion Root Powder, 1/4lb

Dandelion Root Powder, 1/4lb

Nearly everyone living in the northern hemisphere has encountered the dandelion, likely in great number since the herb is a prolific and often invasive plant. Its common name is a testament to its toothed lance-like leaves, which have also inspired the nickname “lion’s tooth.” Bright yellow flower heads are in keeping with membership in the sunflower family, and their round shape are responsible for another common name — priest's crown. While dandelion is a salad herb and vegetable fresh, its dried leaves and roots are made into teas, tinctures and extracts.

  • Description

    The leaf and root of the dandelion plant are abundant in vitamins, minerals and a substance called mannitol.

    Powdered dandelion root is easy to encapsulate or to sprinkle directly into foods.

  • Storage Tips

    Keep in an airtight container in a cool, dark place.

  • Appearance & Aroma

    Light powder without significant aroma.

  • Cosmetic Uses

    Infuse in oil or tincture for use in lotions, creams, balms and salves. Water infusions can also be used topically for hair and skin.

  • Safety

    Check with your doctor before using if you take other medications, have a history of gallbladder disease or a known allergy to plants in the daisy family.

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