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Organic Bitter Melon Tea

Organic Bitter Melon Tea

In the Know

Bitter Melon … sounds like a tea your nine-year-old might include on a breakfast-in-bed prank, doesn’t it? Well, guess what: bitter melon is no joke. Originating in India before expanding into China, this ancient fruit is medicinally and culinarily popular throughout Asia. Green, to yellow, to orange as it ripens, with a distinctive oblong shape that gives it the nickname, bitter cucumber, or bitter gourd, this popular plant deserves a closer look for those seeking to expand their healing teas repertoire.


Fun Fact

Each flower of the bitter melon plant boasts both a male and female part. All parts of the plant are commonly included in a variety of Asian cuisine, including the leaves and shoots. Prized for its bitter taste, and incorporated into curries, or stuffed whole with complimentary ingredients, such as onions, lentils, and grated coconut, bitter melon shows up in all kinds of dishes throughout Indian, Asia, and Africa.


What Does Bitter Melon Tea Taste Like?

Bitter? Not at all! Though some say the actual fruit, bitter melon, tastes bitter, Buddha Teas Bitter Melon Tea, when steeped correctly (just 2-5 minutes), is far from bitter tasting. Rather, what you’ll notice other than the pretty gold hue is an earthiness, a unique, subtle, easy-to-drink plant-like essence. Quite delicious, actually! Served iced, you can carry bitter melon benefits with you throughout the day. Just brew two or three bags of Buddha Teas Bitter Melon Tea, and if you like, add another favorite tea to customize the flavor, and store in a glass container in the fridge up to 48 hours. You'll have delicious, healthy iced tea to pour into your travel mug and take with you wherever you go.

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