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Pau D'Arco c/s, 1/4 lb

Pau D'Arco c/s, 1/4 lb

Pau d'Arco is a large South American rainforest tree that is also known as trumpet tree, lapacho Colorado, ipe roxo and various other common names. The tree is enjoyed in the wild because it produces attractive shade-giving foliage and colorful flowers, but in commercial cultivation it is grown for the purpose of harvesting the bark. The inner pith contains organic compounds, most notably lapachol and beta-lapachone. Because these compounds do not yield easily to water, the bark must be simmered in boiling water for at least 15 minutes to extract them. Powdered pau d'Arco is usually encapsulated as a dietary supplement.

  • Description

    Pau d'arco, also known as lapacho, is a broadleaf evergreen tree native to the Amazonian rainforest. The bark contains naphthoquinones, a class of compounds in the vitamin K group that are also found in green, leafy vegetables. The bark also contains a number of antioxidants, including quercetin.

    Dried and cut pau d'arco is typically decocted to produce teas, infusions, tinctures and liquid extracts.

    Please note: Our cut and sifted pau d'arco is the inner bark of the plant.

  • Storage Tips

    Store in a container with a tight seal in a cool, dark location.

  • Appearance & Aroma

    Woody with red color.

  • Cosmetic Uses

    Decoct the bark for use in poultices, salves, creams and other topical formulations.

  • Decorative Uses

    The bark is an attractive addition to bowls of floral displays.

  • Culinary Uses

    May be infused as tea. Note, however, that long-term consumption of the tea is not recommended.

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